Language: 简体中文 English
12. WT 民间与民族 世界少数族裔文学比较




W. 12

徐新建、梁 昭(四川大学)

XU Xinjian/ LIANG Zhao (Sichuan University)


 The Folk and The Ethnic: Comparative Studies on World Ethnic

5 Sessions

Room 11Jul. 30, s1-s4; Jul. 31, s1


730/July 30 (/Tues.)

S1 08:30-10:10  徐新建/卓玛/陈靓/赵颖/阿婧斯


主持人:阿库乌雾   评议人:梁昭

1.徐新建  中国四川大学  萨满、巫觋和仲肯:美亚文化的跨界关联

   Xu Xinjian, Sichuan University, China, Shaman, Witches/Wizards and Sgrung: the Cross-border Relationship of American and Asian Culture

2.卓玛  中国青海民族大学  中国化下的形象变异——试论当代西藏文学中尼泊尔商人形象

Zhuo Ma, Qinghai Nationality College, China, The Image Variation under Chinese Background: on the Image of Nepalese Businessmen in Contemporary Tibetan Literature

3.陈靓  中国复旦大学  地域性、族裔性与世界文学---阿诺德·克鲁帕特本土族裔批评思想研究

Chen Liang, Fudan University, China, Local, Ethical and Cosmopolitan Literature: on Native Literary Criticism of Arnold Krupat

4.赵颖 中国陕西师范大学 从南洋竹枝词看清晚期新马华人的风俗观

Zhao Ying, Shaanxi Normal University, China, Viewing Chineses Custom of Singapore and Malaysia at Late Qing Dynasty from Nanyang Zhuzhi Ci Poem

5.佘振华 中国四川师范大学 观察与表述:近代法语期刊中的中国西南少数族群

She Zhenhua, Sichuan Normal University, China, Observation and Representation: Ethnic Groups of Southwest China in Modern French Periodicals

730/July 30 (/Tues.)

S2 10:30-12:10  阿库乌雾/毛巧晖/郭正宜/梁昭/卢婷


主持人:赵     评议人:黄 

6.阿库乌雾 中国西南民族大学 族裔身份和母语创作

  Akuwuwu, Southwest Minzu Univiersity, China, Ethnic Identity and Writing in Mother Language

7.毛巧晖 中国社科院,文学想象与地域民俗认同的构拟——基于北京市通州区张家湾“中国红学文化之乡”构筑的思考

  Mao Qiaohui, Institute of Ethnic Literature CASS, China, The Construction of Literary Imagination and Regional Folkloric Identity: Based on the Fieldwork of Zhangjiawan's "Hometown of Chinese Red School Culture

8.郭正宜 台湾高苑科技大学 越南瑶族黄氏女故事研究

   Kuo Cheng-I, Kao Yuan University, Taiwan, Study on the Stories of Huangs Daughter Story of Yao in Vietnam

9.梁昭 中国四川大学 仪式的声音:广西武鸣“三月三”仪式的声音人类学研究

Liang Zhao, Sichuan University, China, The Sound of Rituals: Study on The Rituals of March Three in Wuming County, Guangxi in the View of Sound Anthropology

10.卢婷 中国四川大学 用身心承继文化:嘉绒藏人的传统歌唱

Lu Ting, Sichuan University, China,“The Culture Inherited by Body and MindRgyalrong Tibetan Traditional Singing

730/July 30 (/Tues.) 

S3 14:00-15:40  殷俊/完德加/黄玲/佘振华/邱硕/陈海龙


主持人:卓     评议人:毛巧晖

11.殷俊  中国深圳大学 中国科幻文学中的危机想象

Francis YiShen Zhen University, China, Imaginative Crisisology in Chinese Sci-Fi

12.完德加 中国四川大学 人类世与大千世:科学与信仰的认知比较

Wan Dejia, Sichuan University, China, Anthropocene and Great Thousand-FoldA Cognitive Comparison of Science and Belief

13.黄玲 中国百色学院 隐喻、记忆与想象:遗产话语下的民族叙事

Huang Ling, Baise University, China, The Others Imagination and the Local Memory: The Homeland Landscape on the Border of China and Vietnam

14.邱硕 中国四川大学,中国操作媒介的文学实验:阿库乌雾的微博“断片”写作

Qiu Shuo, Sichuan University, China, A Literary Experiment of Operating Media: Aku Wuwus Duanpian Writing on Weibo

15.陈海龙  中国四川大学  人观与现代性:多元文化主义的全球化实践及其反思——以清江流域土家族跳丧仪式为考察案例

Chen Hailong, Sichuan University, China, Personhood and Modernity: Multiculturalism's Globalization Practice and Reflection


730/July 30 (/Tues.)

S4 16:00-17:40  赵艳/刘芷言/孙奇锋/肖寒/阿瑚德


主持人: 佘振华  评议人:陈 

16.赵艳 中国青海民族大学 乔纳森·卡勒诗学视野下撒拉族诗人撒玛尔罕抒情长诗释读

Zhao Yan, Qinghai Nationality College, China, The Interpretation of a Poet of Salars Samarkands Lyric from Jonathan Culler Poetic Perspective

17.刘芷言 中国四川大学 听声识人:加拿大印第安人的口述生命史

Liu Zhiyan, Sichuan University, China, Seeing the People by Hearing their Voice: An Orally Record History of Indian Peoples Lives in Canada

18.孙奇锋 中国西安交通大学 流散文学视域下“鬼魂”的跨族裔言说:基于《接骨师之女》和《宠儿》的对比考察

Sun Qifeng, Xian Jiao Tong University, China, Cross-ethnic Ghost Narrative in Diasporic Literature: A Comparative Study of The Bonesetters Daughter and Beloved

19.肖寒 中国西安交通大学 记忆的创伤:阮清越《同情者》中的越战叙事分析

Xiao Han, Xian Jiao Tong University, China, Trauma in Memory: Narrative of the Vietnam War in Viet Thanh Nguyens The Sympathizer

20.阿瑚德 中国山东大学 浅析“曹禺”与“陶菲格.哈基姆”话剧创作对索福克勒斯的悲剧命运的借鉴与超越

Ahood Ali Mashalla Rashwan, Shandong University,  China,

Analyzing the impact of Sophocles's tragic destiny on Cao Yu's and Tawfik El-Hakim's Drama


731/July 31 (/Wed.)

S1 09:00-10:55 曹瑞冬/郑美惠/田级会/古昊鑫/匡宇/刘华


主持人:殷     评议人:郭正宜

21.曹瑞冬  中国温州大学  明末清初江南的诱僧现象——以情欲为中心的考察

Cao Ruidong, Wenzhou University, China, The Phenomenon of Monk in the South of the Yangtze River in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty

22.郑美惠 台湾台中科技大学  跨界与交融——中国古代董永故事和越南瑶族《董永古一本启》之比较

  Cheng Mei-Hui, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Boundary-Crossing and Cultural Fusion: A Comparison of the Stories about Dong Yong in Ancient China and the Similar Text of the Yao in Vietnam

23.田级会 中国贵州民族大学 文化表述与贵州多元文化形象建构研究

Tian Jihui, Guizhou Minzu University, China, Research on Cultural Representation and The Cultural Image Construction of Guizhou

24.古昊鑫 中国陕西师范大学 ADDIN CNKISM.UserStyle在岛屿,写中国的诗——论余光中新诗中的古典意象

Gu Haoxin, Shaanxi Normal University, China, He was on the Island, Writing Chinese Poetry On the Classical Images in Yu Guangzhong's Modern Poems

25.匡宇 中国四川大学 跨类、自我指涉与公共性:论未完成的现代性规划中的文学研究

Kuang Yu, Sichuan University, China, Interdisciplinary,Self-reference and PublicityOn the Literary Research in the Incompleted Project of Modernity

26.刘华  中国广西民族大学文学院  传统风水空间的文化构成——以云南和顺为例

    Liu Hua, Guangxi University for Nationalities, China, On Cultural Composition of Traditional Fengshui Space: A Case Study of Heshun


  • DAYS
Congress Date
29 July- 2 August 2019

Abstract Submission Deadline

1 March 2019

Online Registration Deadline

20 July 2019

On-site Registration Date

29 July 2019

Dates du congrès  
29 Juillet-2 aout 2019

Envoie des notes 

jusqu’au 1er mars 2019

Inscription en ligne 

jusqu’au 20 juillet 2019

Inscription sur place 

jusqu’au 29 juillet 2019