Language: 简体中文 English


论坛7/ No. 7


Theorizing the Literary across Cultures

 9 Sessions

E3-1043Jul. 30-31, s1-s4; Aug. 1, s1   


July 30 (Tues.)

S1 09:00-10:30  OHAHSI, Eri/ MISTREANU, Diana/ PATI?O WANDURRAGA, Nayda Katherine/ HAYASHI, Shinzo/ LETELLIER, Benedicte/ FENG, Qing| THéRENTY, Marie-ève

10 mins/ Pax, 30 mins/ Q&A

Chair: LETELLIER, Benedicte(University of La Reunion)

1 OHAHSI, Eri (Nagasaki University)

Les Différence dans la Représentation du Thermalisme dans la Littérature Fran?aise et Anglaise           

2 MISTREANU, Diana   (University of Luxembourg)   

Andre? Makine et l’écriture transbiographique                          

3 PATI?O WANDURRAGA, Nayda Katherine (Universidade Estadual de Campinas) 

Unicamp Desterritorializa??o Da Língua Através Da Literatura Fronteiri?a: Exalta??o Poética Do Portunhol, Uma Língua Com Dinamicas Próprias            

4 HAYASHI, Shinzo(Fukuoka University)

Une naturalisation fran?aise de l’esthétique de Richard Wagner : de la collaboration pour un opéra entre émile Zola et Alfred Bruneau

5 LETELLIER, Benedicte(University of La Reunion)

Pour une géopoétique contemporaine des suds : la sérendipité dans les mers de l'océan Indien

6 FENG, Qing| THéRENTY, Marie-ève (Universite Paul Valery Montpellier III)

Le fantasme apocalyptique de la fin du monde           

July 30 (Tues.)

S2: 11:00-12:30  HESELHAUS, Herrad/ MAOZ, Adia Mendelson/ SINGH, Jayshree/ BASILONE, Linetto / PETTERSSON, Anders / POKRIVCAK, Anton | ZELENKA, Milos

10 mins/ Pax, 30 mins/ Q&A

Chair: HESELHAUS, Herrad (University of Tsukuba)

1 HESELHAUS, Herrad (University of Tsukuba)

Introducing "Relational Studies in Literature"                           

2 MAOZ, Adia Mendelson (The Open University of Israel)   

The Ethics of Analogy and the Israeli Literary Representations of the Palestinian other                           

3 SINGH, Jayshree (Bhupal Nobles University)

Bondage and Liberation in the East and West Poetics

4 BASILONE, Linetto (University of Auckland)            

Impressions, Allegories and Dystopias Italian Travel Writing on Twentieth Century China                        

5 PETTERSSON, Anders (Umea University)

How to Think about the Diversity of Literary Phenomena 

6 POKRIVCAK, Anton | ZELENKA, Milos (University of Trnava | University of South Bohemia)

On the Theoretical Starting Points of Intercultural Comparative Studies               

7 30/July 30 (/Tues.)

S3 14:00-15:30  赵淳/卢嫕/王碧丝/惠天羽/谭菲



1 赵淳(四川外国语大学):西方文论关键词:视差

2 卢嫕(台湾辅仁大学外国语学院跨文化研究所):“绝对意向性客体”与《波多里诺》: 埃科符号学视域下的本体论文学研究

3 王碧丝(南京大学):论吴宓《红楼梦》评论中的柏拉图思想

4 惠天羽(西北大学):通向文学伦理学——论罗兰·巴尔特的中性写作

5 谭菲(北京大学):美学理论建构的可能性————以黑格尔《美学》为中心

7 30/July 30 (/Tues.)

S4: 16:00-17:30  宋香庆/姜福安/肖明文/王雅璇



1 宋香庆(韩国国立首尔大学):社会转型期中韩青年主体身份移位与小说形象

2 姜福安(上海外国语大学):“诗化之词”与意识批评 ——对叶嘉莹先生关于“诗化之词”论述的思考和补充

3 肖明文(中山大学):马克思主义与美国文学:以《心是孤独的猎手》为例

4 王雅璇(重庆大学):浅析形式主义和历史主义中的文学研究对象

July 31 (Wed.)

S1 09:00-10:30  SANTOS, Emanuelle/ ROSHI, Roshi Jolly Sethi/ KIM, Youngmin/ OSTER-STIERLE, Patricia/ SHARMA, Bhumika

10 mins/ Pax, 30 mins/ Q&A

Chair: SANTOS, Emanuelle(University of Birmingham)        

1 SANTOS, Emanuelle (University of Birmingham)               

The Future of Comparative Literature:  Towards an Intersectional Praxis of Literary Theory      

2 ROSHI, Roshi Jolly Sethi (Amity University)

An Interactive Comparative Perspective between the American and Canadian Fictional Narratives         

3 KIM, Youngmin (Dongguk University)       

How to Unread the Literary Texts: Distant Reading, Untranslatabilty, and the Poetics of Distancing 

4 OSTER-STIERLE, Patricia (Universit?t des Saarlandes)              

Workshop Theorizing the dream . individual abstract: Rêver la ville: ? Fourmillante Cité. Cité pleine de rêves ?

5 SHARMA, Bhumika (Central University of Rajasthan)        

Philosophizing Spaces: Reconstituting the Poetics of ‘Feminine’ across Cultures                               

July 31 (Wed.)

S2: 11:00-12:30  NATARAJAN, Shyamala/ MOBARAK, Tanzia/ KUMARI, Parveen/ VOHRA, Anupama/ NGO, Viet Hoan/ HU, Yan

10 mins/ Pax, 30 mins/ Q&A

Chair: NATARAJAN, Shyamala (King's College London)

1 NATARAJAN, Shyamala (King's College London)

The Rasa Aesthetic within Brian Friel’s Dancing at Lughnasa and Salman Rushdie’s The Moor’s Last Sigh       

2 MOBARAK, Tanzia (Jahangirnagar University)

Ostranenie' ('остранение') Vis-à-vis 'Vakrokti' ('?????????'): A Variation Approach to Rājānaka Kuntaka’s and Viktor Shklovsky’s  Conceptions of Literariness

3 KUMARI, Parveen (Central University of Jammu)      

Subaltern Voice and Agency in the Life Narratives of Taslima Nasreen and Baby Halder: A Comparative Study

4 VOHRA, Anupama (University of Jammu)          

Empowering Vengefully: Creativity / Motherhood in Audrey Thomas' Latakia and Padma Sachdeva's Aab Naa Banegi Dheri (No More Worshiping)

5 NGO, Viet Hoan (Nanjing University |Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences)

Studies on 20th Century Western and Vietnamese Theories of Literary Criticism          

6 HU, Yan (Taiyuan University of Science and Technology)             

John Donne—the Pioneer of the Simulacrum World in a Carnival Era                                

July 31 (Wed.)

S3: 14:00-15:30  LI, Shuyang/ LUO, Xiangyu | DONG, Junhong / LIN, Juntao/ ZHANG, Ting/ HARPER, Beth/ WANG, Yan

10 mins/ Pax, 30 mins/ Q&A

Chair: LIN, Juntao (Peking University)   

1 LI, Shuyang (The Education University of Hong Kong)              

The contrast analysis on the movement of the sun-earth abnormal activity in western and Chinese myths

2 LUO, Xiangyu | DONG, Junhong               

A Comparative Study of Metaphors in China's and British's English News Reports on Chinese Cross-border E-commerce                           

3 LIN, Juntao (Peking University)           

World, or the Post-Socialist China’s Present: Aesthetical Structiure in Jia Zhangke’s World (Shijie)     

4 ZHANG, Ting (Sichuan International Studies University)            

Restoring Xing from the Dichotomy of “Grand Harmonization” and Historical Moralization                        

5 HARPER, Beth (The University of Hong Kong)         

Cross-cultural Encounters of the Lyric: Horace (BCE 65-8) and Tao Yuanming (CE 365-427)         

6 WANG, Yan (Xi'an International Studies University)   

The Devil is on Earth--On the Banality of Evil of Marvin Macy                                                         

July 31 (Wed.)

S4: 16:00-17:30  MILLET, Kitty/ RETHELYI, Maria/ GREENBERG, Yudit Kornberg/ CHANDA, Ipshita/ CURDTS, Soelve

12 mins/ Pax, 30 mins/ Q&A

Boundaries between the Aesthetic and the Sacred: Ethics and Necessity in Literature

Chair: Kitty Millet (SF State University)

1 MILLET, Kitty     (SF State University)     

“‘Perhaps Redeemed: The Premise and Necessity of the Absolute Aleph”

2 RETHELYI, Maria (Louisiana State University)  

‘For the relief of unbearable urges’: The intervention of literature in the ethics of suicide in early twentieth century Hungarian Jewish writings

3 GREENBERG, Yudit Kornberg (Center for India and South Asia  Rollins College)

The Rape of Dinah, #MeToo, and the Silencing of Women

4 CHANDA, Ipshita (EFL University)   

Reading the Sacred and the Aesthetic: A Comparative Exercise

5 CURDTS, Soelve (Dusseldorf University)   

Magnificent Disarticulation: The Sacred and The Fallen in Dostoevsky and Baudelaire

Aug. 1 (Thurs.)

S1: 9:00-10:30  DORAN, Robert/ BEEBEE, Thomas/ NESCI, Catherine / KUWAHARA, Tabito

15 mins/ Pax, 30 mins/ Q&A

Literature and Ethics

Chair: Robert Doran (University of Rochester)

1 DORAN, Robert (University of Rochester)

Literature and Ethics

2 BEEBEE, Thomas       (Pennsylvania State University)

Bibliotherapy to Bibliotrauma: What Representation Does to Audiences

3 NESCI, Catherine (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Caring (for) Literature: World Writing, Precarious Fiction, and Ethics 

4 KUWAHARA, Tabito  (The University of Tokyo)             

Interprétation de Mallarmé par Hajime Tanabe

  • DAYS
Congress Date
29 July- 2 August 2019

Abstract Submission Deadline

1 March 2019

Online Registration Deadline

20 July 2019

On-site Registration Date

29 July 2019

Dates du congrès  
29 Juillet-2 aout 2019

Envoie des notes 

jusqu’au 1er mars 2019

Inscription en ligne 

jusqu’au 20 juillet 2019

Inscription sur place 

jusqu’au 29 juillet 2019