Language: 简体中文 English


论坛8/ No. 8 A


World Literature and China

 12 Sessions

E4-1061Jul. 30-31, s1-s4; Aug. 1, s1-s4; Aug. 2, s1-s3


July 30 (Tues.)

S1 09:00-10:30  ZHANG, Weiqing/ POLOVINKINA, Olga/ DUBALARU, Oana Fotache/ SONG, Zhuyun/ HAMZA, Rasha Kama

12 mins/ Pax, 30 mins/ Q&A

Chair: ZHANG, Weiqing (University of Minnesota Duluth)   

1 ZHANG, Weiqing (University of Minnesota Duluth)           

Multimodality of Translation in Modern China       

2 POLOVINKINA, Olga (Russian State University for the Humanities)        

Utopian Images of China in English Literature      

3 DUBALARU, Oana Fotache (University of Bucharest)        

Travelers’ Routes and Discursive Frames : Representations of China in 20th c. Romanian Travelogues       

4 SONG, Zhuyun (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)         

The Communist Movements of China and Europe in Han Suyin’s Autobiographical Writing—A Comparative Reflection      

5 HAMZA, Rasha Kamal (Ain Shams University)

A Brief Discussion on Chinese Expatriate Literature and Arabic Expatriate Literature——Diaspora literature or New Immigrant Literature?


July 30 (Tues.)

S2: 11:00-12:30  CHEN, Xiaomin/ YURGEL, Caio | XIANG, Zairong/ HODGES, Eric/ LAGUTINA, Irina/ ROLLO, David

12 mins/ Pax, 30 mins/ Q&A

Chair: CHEN, Xiaomin (University of Otago)

1 CHEN, Xiaomin (University of Otago)                

The Serial Form in Contemporary Chinese Poetry and the Networks of World Literature

2 YURGEL, Caio | XIANG, Zairong (Peking University/Freie University Berlin|Potsdam University)

The Great Vessel Avoids its Own Becoming: The Dao of Clarice Lispector  

3 HODGES, Eric (Queens College, City University of New York)

China in Goethe’s Concept of World Literature and World Literature and China in Yu Dafu’s “Sinking” 

4 LAGUTINA, Irina (National Research University Higher School of Economics)    

The Universal Law of Nature, the Universal World Literature and the Goethe's "Chinese-German Book of Seasons and Hour"     

5 ROLLO, David (University of Southern California)             

Alexander the Great and Medieval China       

7 30/July 30 (/Tues.)

S3 14:00-15:30  郑蕾/刘海萌/万金/王倩/付艳艳/李敬巍|王璐


主持人:郑蕾 (广东外语外贸大学)

1 郑蕾 (广东外语外贸大学) : 陈季同笔下‘现代巴黎’与‘传统中国’形象的互动——以《巴黎印象记》为例

2 刘海萌 (曲阜师范大学) : 跨文化变异视野下金仁顺对《春香传》的“中国当代重构”

3 万金 (南京大学) : 易卜生的中西之旅——以萧伯纳和胡适的易卜生主义为例

4 王倩 (扬州大学文学院) : 感生:异相与异象:神话进入王族历史叙事的三条路径

5 付艳艳 (上海外国语大学|上海财经大学浙江学院) : 文本的跨文化传播与经典建构——毛姆在中国的经典化历程

6 李敬巍|王璐      (大连理工大学)      : 西学东渐语境下卢梭《忏悔录》在中国现代自传文学中的翻译与接受

7 30/July 30 (/Tues.)

S4: 16:00-17:30  李川/孙可佳/钟京伟/赵艳/周维/霍新村


主持人:李川 (中国社会科学院外国文学研究所)

1 李川 (中国社会科学院外国文学研究所) :《冥书》与《山海经》所见东西文化交流之留痕

2 孙可佳 (清华大学) : “风月宝鉴”的西方映像 ——“魔镜”的隐喻与功能   

3 钟京伟 (山东建筑大学) : 美国本土文学中的东方幻象:刘易斯创作中的中国文化生产

4 赵艳 (青海民族大学)        : 乔纳森?卡勒诗学视野下撒拉族诗人撒玛尔罕抒情长诗释读

5 周维 (北京外国语大学) :《癞皮鹦鹉》中的中国船     

6 霍新村 (山东协和学院) : 尤金?奥尼尔《送冰的人来了》中的中国思想

731/July 31 (/ Wed.)

S1: 09:00-10:30  徐奕欣/孙翀/张怡然/陈人嘉/刘卫东/马金科


主持人:徐奕欣 (澳门大学)

1 徐奕欣 (澳门大学) : 作为跨文化实践的《马伯乐(完整版)》 

2 孙翀 (中国国家地理杂志社)  : “原罪”烛照人性残缺                                      

3 张怡然 (吉林大学 ):“自我”与“他者”之间——毛姆《苏伊士之东》,《面纱》和《在中国屏风上》的中国意象                                 

4 陈人嘉 (山东大学(威海)):     发现“遗珠”:约翰多恩诗歌在中国的早期译介(1917-1949                    

5 刘卫东        (西南交通大学) :    表现主义诗学与中国传统文论表现说                                 

6 马金科 (吉林省延边大学)        : 高丽文学家李齐贤写真及其真赞的中韩流播考

731/July 31 (/ Wed.)

S2: 11:00-12:30  李莹/朱丽娟/沈绍芸/白薇臻/沈扬/杨小芳


主持人:朱丽娟    (西藏民族大学)

1 李莹 (枣庄学院 ): 阿兰—罗伯?格里耶在中国                             

2 朱丽娟        (西藏民族大学):     《语言的第七功能》的叙事启示                                         

3 沈绍芸        (广东外语外贸大学):     维克多·谢阁兰友谊观探微                            

4 白薇臻        (南京师范大学文学院)  :“道德中国”与现代性反思——试论狄更生和罗素的中国文明观                                     

5 沈扬 (莫斯科罗蒙诺索夫国立大学):       中国汉字的形意理念在俄罗斯二十世纪初先锋派文学、文字中的解读和“再造”                                         

6 杨小芳 (重庆大学外国语学院): 马克·吐温作品中的中国人形象                                                                                                                             

July 31 (Wed.)

S3: 14:00-15:30  FU, Hao/ GU, Tian/ LIU, Guizhen/ HE, Shiyao/ DU, Lanlan|LI, Shunning/ WU, Gefei

10 mins/ Pax, 30 mins/ Q&A

Chair: FU, Hao (Institute of Foreign Literature at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

1 FU, Hao (Institute of Foreign Literature at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

China in the Eyes of Yeats  

2 GU, Tian (Nankai University)               

Appropriation and Assimilation—The Negotiation of 'the Tragic' into May Fourth Literary Discourse   

3 LIU, Guizhen (Beijing International Studies University )      

Translation and Dissemination of Chinese Literature from the Perspective of World Literature_A Case Study of "Six Chapters of a Floating Life"        

4 HE, Shiyao (Hubei University of Technology)             

On the Narration of Chinese and Western FeminismA Case Study of Wives & Concubines and Prelude

5 DU, Lanlan|LI, Shunning (Shanghai Jiaotong University)            

World Literature as Event: Reception of Wang Anyi’s The Song of Everlasting Sorrow in English-Speaking World      

6 WU, Gefei (China University of Mining and Technology)            

Sartre’s Encounter with China: Discovery and Reconstruction of the Human Paradigm in the Neo-era Chinese Literature   

July 31 (Wed.)

S4: 16:00-17:30  JIANG, Xiangyan/ CAI, Yanbin/ HE, Weihua/ QIAO, Qingquan/ DUAN, Hua

12 mins/ Pax, 30 mins/ Q&A

Chair: JIANG, Xiangyan (East China Normal University)

1 JIANG, Xiangyan (East China Normal University)

The Book of Poetry in World Literature: the French Translation as An Example 

2 CAI, Yanbin (The University of Hong Kong)              

Translating Modern Chinese Scientific Fiction: A Path to Weltliteratur

3 HE, Weihua (Central China Normal University)           

Bertolt Brecht’s theatrical concept of alienation effect and the Chinese application and transformation    

4 QIAO, Qingquan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China))           

Class Narrative, Intertextuality and Transnationalism in Journey to a War  

5 DUAN, Hua (Inner Mongolia University)            

The Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures from the Comparative Study of the Images of Heroines in A Dream of Red Mansions and Jane Eyre                                                         

Aug. 1 (Thurs.)

S1: 9:00-10:30  CHEN, Rongnyu/ XU, Yixin/ WANG, Shiqi/ FAN, Yuchen/ HUANG, Jinyi/ WANG, Yan

10 mins/ Pax, 30 mins/ Q&A

Chair: CHEN, Rongnyu (Beijing Language and Culture University)

1 CHEN, Rongnyu (Beijing Language and Culture University)       

Ancient Greek tragedy in China    

2 XU, Yixin (University of Macau)          

"Ma Bo’le’s Second Life" as a Transcultural Practice 

3 WANG, Shiqi (School of Foreign Language, East China Normal University)       

An Interview With Allan Weiss------The Writer of Making The Rounds    

4 FAN, Yuchen (Peking University)

Production and emptiness of the ethical legitimacy of "love marriage" -- on Engels' family values from Pamela and the Stale Mates

5 HUANG, Jinyi (Sun Yat-Sen University)              

The Image of China in Goncharov’s Travelogue Frigate Pallada  

6 WANG, Yan (Shanghai International Studies University)             

History of Chinese science fiction and its “Going Out”                                                                                  

Aug. 1 (Thurs.)

S2: 11:00-12:30  DAI, Xun/ HU, Zhengli/ HE, Chang | WANG, Wanying/ LI, Xingxing/ WANG, Shengyu/ LONG, Xiaoying

10 mins/ Pax, 30 mins/ Q&A

Chair: DAI, Xun (Xiamen University)     

1 DAI, Xun (Xiamen University)            

V. G. Belinsky’s Chinese Face:  Three Important Concepts in Contemporary Literary Theory Textbooks 

2 HU, Zhengli (Southwest University)             

Analytic Aesthetics in China: What and Why?

3 HE, Chang | WANG, Wanying (Hangzhou Normal University)          

The Reception of George Eliot in China 

4 LI, Xingxing (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau)          

A Case Study of Chinese Adaptations to Shakespearean Play Macbeth: From the Perspective of Thematology and Narratology

5 WANG, Shengyu (Wenzhou-Kean University)             

Crossings and Encounters: Chinese Ghosts and Vampires in Victorian Minor Literature

6 LONG, Xiaoying (Yunnan University)         

The Enchantment of W. H. Auden in China 

81/ Aug. 1 (/Thurs.)

S3 14:00-15:30  宫清清/刘晓曼/张珂/张晓娟/孙曼琳/马军红


主持人:宫清清    (莫斯科大学)

1 宫清清        (莫斯科大学) : 当代作家马卡宁作品中的东方文化密码解析                            

2 刘晓曼        (韩国首尔国立大学) :    1930年代上海与河内都市空间的再现方式-关于Vu Trong PhungDumb Luck》与茅盾《子夜》的比较研究                                  

3 张珂 (中央民族大学):       早期中国人“英国文学史”写作中的传记模式研究 ——以王靖《英国文学史》为中心                                  

4 张晓娟        (陕西师范大学) :    意识形态对《大卫·科波菲尔》两个中译本的操控研究

5 孙曼琳        (重庆大学):     中俄戏剧《雷雨》和《大雷雨》婚姻道德与情爱人性的主题学比较

6 马军红        (北京第二外国语学院)  : 全球与地方-----梭罗与中国儒道思想的双向旅行

81/ Aug. 1 (/Thurs.)

S4: 16:00-17:30  徐行言|陈多智/罗薇/杨姗/杨会敏/郭利云/冯欣


主持人:冯欣  (北京师范大学)

1 徐行言|陈多智 ( 西南交通大学 ): 20世纪初德语世界中国风的转向与表现主义文学的中国想象                                     

2 罗薇 (广东外语外贸大学) :比较文学视角下中法女性文学作品的研究                            ——以张爱玲《半生缘》和杜拉斯《情人》为例                                    

3 杨姗 (上海外国语大学     ):      从中国文化中探寻释解人生困境的锁钥 ——对马尔罗小说《人的命运》哲学主题的一种解读                                    

4 杨会敏        (宿迁学院):     朝鲜朝后半期汉诗发展的背景探析                                     

5 郭利云        (南京师范大学) : “我们唯一的向导是乡愁”——论黑塞作品中的“乡愁”母题

6 冯欣  (北京师范大学)      : 融媒体时代世界文学在中国传播的新路径及新问题               

  • DAYS
Congress Date
29 July- 2 August 2019

Abstract Submission Deadline

1 March 2019

Online Registration Deadline

20 July 2019

On-site Registration Date

29 July 2019

Dates du congrès  
29 Juillet-2 aout 2019

Envoie des notes 

jusqu’au 1er mars 2019

Inscription en ligne 

jusqu’au 20 juillet 2019

Inscription sur place 

jusqu’au 29 juillet 2019