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Prof. Haun Saussy Abstract



Haun Saussy

Professor, University of Chicago (USA)

Literature With and Without Borders


The topic of “world literature” usually goes in the direction of opposing nationalism to cosmopolitanism, the particular to the general. But the emergence of institutions “without borders” has typically involved a detour through the subordinated or unwilling national, in the name of whom a cosmopolitan public can be summoned to action or sympathy. Just as Médecins sans frontières arose to confront that form of modern biopolitics that consists in the deliberate abandonment of populations, so Comparative Literature included among its beginnings advocacy for writers muted by national language policies. In other words, Hugo Meltzl, founder of the first comparative literature journal in 1877, deserves some of the fame and attention that has gone to Goethe for his statements on “world literature,” and by tracing their different paths we can better understand the powers of our discipline. 

  • DAYS
Congress Date
29 July- 2 August 2019

Abstract Submission Deadline

1 March 2019

Online Registration Deadline

20 July 2019

On-site Registration Date

29 July 2019

Dates du congrès  
29 Juillet-2 aout 2019

Envoie des notes 

jusqu’au 1er mars 2019

Inscription en ligne 

jusqu’au 20 juillet 2019

Inscription sur place 

jusqu’au 29 juillet 2019